Saturday, October 6, 2007


I guess our vacation is over and we have to start getting serious... not really, I dont know if we'll ever really get SERIOUS, but Stuart has gotten his job back! He is once again a Tour guide at the PCC (Polynesian Cultural Center) and is super excited to start working again! I am also looking forward to working soon, I have an interview on Monday (cross your fingers) for a job that I would really LOVE! I'll let you know where once I get my job!

Stuart was selected to be in a National Commercial! Its a commercial for Insurance and he'll be surfing in it! We don't know when theyre going to shoot or when it will air or anything like that but we'll let you know! He's going to get paid to surf can you believe it! Sounds like a sweet deal to me!

Other than that, not a whole lot going on here, Stuart is still loving all of his classes, we love our apartment and our ward is awesome! We have been going to open gym a lot where we get to play volleyball and we have a blast! Its usually 4 times a week. Water polo club has started up so we're going to be able to get in the pool once a week for now (they're doing a trial run to see if enough people show up) and then it might be bumped up to twice a week. I guess its pretty hard to get pool time around here. The waves havent been great so we havent been surfing for a while and this whole week the winds are supposed to get up to 30 MPH..... boo. The bluebubbles come out when its windy so I stay out of the water unless its the perfect day. I don't think I would like being stung by the Blue Bubbles, Stuart has gone out even when I warn him about the blue bubbles, he doesnt seem to mind until he gets tagged by one or more of them. I try not to have sympathy for him because I told him he'd get stung, but I always do (have sympathy).

We've had our friend Tadd Staying with us this week! He was working with us in Albuquerque and has moved out here to go to school next semester so its been nice to have him around! We've been having some rain this past week and its been nice. It cools us down a little and I love the sound of it! I know you requested to see pictures of our apartment but its a little messy right now so i'll have to get some after we clean up sorry mom, but they will be up sometime soon!


Tutu lady said...

What a life, sounds great! (except the blue bubbles). Is that a jelly? Try to stay unstung. Congrats on the new nephew. Isaac. He is beautiful, and his mom looks great. Was he early?

Michal said...

yeah! i was wondering when you'd post again.
i heard about stu surfing in a commercial. that's very cool. i wonder if he could turn that into a career?;)
good luck with the job interview.

mahina said...

that is the perfect "job" for stuart...surfing and getting paid for it??!! what could be better?

i'm with you on th eblue bubbles! i'd stay out of the water too!

good luck on the job! i'd hire you in a heartbeat!