Friday, April 18, 2008

Visit with Dad!

Dad was here to visit this last weekend! He was actually here to get some interviews with old or former classmates. Dad's 50th High School Reunion is coming up in a couple months! How crazy is that?!? For anyone who knows my dad, he's way into making video highlights for sports teams and shows the video at the end of the year banquet. So he decided to make one for his reunion coming up... besides, it gives him a good excuse to come out for a visit with me!

I was Dad's assistant in Maui... I can't complain about that! It was nice to spend some quality time with him. We were able to go up to Haleakala to catch the sunrise early one morning.

It wasn't quite as spectacular as we had hoped it would be but it was still beautiful! On a good day the sun bursts out from below the clouds. We were all standing there (freezing) waiting for the sun to "rise" when a park ranger lady came out and said the sun rise (was) at 6:03am... it was past that. Oh well maybe some other time!

This is a picture I took of Mauna Kea (on the left) and Mauna Loa (the smaller one on the right just poking up from behind). Mauna Kea ids the highest point in the Hawaiian Island chain.

It is such a sight to see being up on top of Haleakala because you are above all the clouds so you feel like a care bear... ok maybe YOU don't feel like a care bear, but I do, or at least wish I was one.

After that early morning adventure we went back to Dad's classmates house (where we were staying) and got all set up for the interviews we would be videoing. We were trying to find a good backdrop so I took a picture of dad. I thought this was a nice one!

During some down time, I went around the house just to play with the camera and this was my favorite! (its one of the arms of a ceiling fan)

We had a few days with Dad back home on Oahu and Sunday afternoon we were able to go down to Valley of the Temples where Tutu Man and Tutu Lady are buried.

Before going over there Stuart went and collected some Plumeria flowers so he and I could make leis for them. This is what we came up with:

I was able to get this picture of Stuart and Dad and I just love it!

A passerby offered to take a picture of the 3 of us together. I didn't mess with the color on this one so you can see how beautifully green it is right now! Actually its usually this green and beautiful come to think of it!

Dad we loved having you visit! We'll see you again soon!


tutu lady said...

Awe,,,,so nice. Wish I was there. Love you 3. Take care of each other.

Malia said...

Mom wish you were here too... you'll be here in a month and some... Did you get yummy cookies?

mahina said...

i love all of your pictures! that one of dad and stuart is so sweet! either they were sitting down or stuart was squating! nice perspective on the fan! very cool!

Malia said...

haha... no dad was standing on the curb... I have a picture of them with dad on the other side too... hes much shorter there.

Flyin' Hawaiian said...

so jelly .. i wish i lived there too!

Michal said...

you are such a great photographer, malia. i can only imagine how good you'll be in another 20 years or so.

those leis are gorgeous. glad to know we've got someone who can make them in the family.

all these posts of people visiting you make me so sad that we haven't been out yet--and don't know when we will.:( love you guys.