Saturday, May 30, 2009

Life is good!

Yes we are still alive! I don't know if anyone is still out there but for those of you still here... thank you for not giving up on me and this little 'ol blog.

You would think that with Stuart being out of school, things would be less busy and I'd have more time to blog. Not so... we are just as busy as we were when he was in school but now we're busy with fun! It's been a great couple of months and we're looking forward to many more coming up!

*Stuart has been working (about the same amount as he was when he was in school) at the restaurant Ola and is really enjoying himself there. He's moved up to be a "Grand Peacock" as they call themselves which is a night time server, a few times a week. Stuart loves it because he basically has all day to surf and play and then he goes in to work... not a bad schedule.

*I have been subbing at the high school but the end of the school year is next week. I've really enjoyed myself.

*Stuart is always off on Wednesdays and Sundays. So I put myself unavailable to sub on wednesdays so we can have our "Date Days" then. The past couple months we've had a bunch of "Surf Dates". Sometimes people crash our dates and it gets a little crowded but we've also been lucky enough to have some really great surf just the 2 of us! A great date for sure, plus you can't beat the price!

*Stuart and I both have callings in our new ward. First Stuart was called as the scout leader for the 11 year olds! Sounds like fun especially since this is our first time in a family ward (not just a married student ward). A few weeks later I was called as the Den Leader for the wolf cub scouts! Talk about a calling I never even thought about! I already went on a little hike with the boys! It was fun and I think I'll have a great time in this calling!

*We have some fun things set on the horizon that we are sooooo looking forward to!

~First Mom (stuart's) is coming out for a whole week! Stuart has his graduation ceremony next saturday so she's coming out for that! And we're gonna have some fun!!!

~We also are all set for our trip to panama in July! This will be my first time out of the country so I get to use my sad little passport that I got a while back thinking i'd be using it last year! We have a few friends going and Kawika will be there with his friends too! Can't wait!

~A little less than a week after getting home from Panama, i'll be flying out to Utah to shoot my first wedding! My friend Jana is getting married and asked me to be her photographer! I can't wait for this! It'll be so fun to see her get Sealed and then be able to capture some magical moments between her and her husband to be! Plus I've been wanting to get into wedding photography and this will be perfect! Great family and great couple and people I already know!

We've got a summer jam packed with fun ahead of us! And i hope to keep you updated on all of it!

And because every post is better with a picture.... here's my man the graduate! This is from a shoot we did for his graduation announcements which you'll see soon!

Man what a hottie!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

:^ )

I Love My Sister!!! Check out her post of some fun pictures of us from my visit back in Feb....

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Birthday Dad!!!! / Happy Mother's Day!

Today is my Dad's Birthday! And he is now 69 can you believe it?!?! He doesn't look anywhere near 70 (This picture is from last year but he still looks the same today I'm sure!).

Thank You Dad for everything! I hope you have had a wonderful Birthday and I wish we were there to help you celebrate! You are an amazing man and an inspiration!

Happy Mother's Day Mom! I hope you were able to enjoy your day even if you were away from everyone on a trip for work! I'm glad I was able to talk to you on this special day! Thank You for all you do! You are a great example to me and even though I'm not a mom yet, I'll be looking to you for help because I know I won't have a clue.

Mom and Dad.... I wouldn't be who I am today without you. Your love and support, your guidance and encouragement, your talents and your passion for different things have molded me and helped me grow. I am grateful for YOU. I Love You! And I'll thank You both ahead of time for the good genes I'm hoping you gave me! Hopefully I'll be as young and active as you when I grow up!

Love You!!!


Your Youngest Daughter