Sunday, December 9, 2007

You dont have to tell me.... I already know

Confused? So was I when I saw Maila swimming up to the line up!! If youve seen any of our previous blogs then you know we take a lot of water shots, mostly at north shore beaches where the waves break very close to shore. This day however I was out surfing on the east side of oahu at a spot called PCC's (directly in front of the Polynesian culture center) which is known for its fickle conditons and super long paddle out. well on this day all the elements combined to make an absolutely perfect evening for surfing. Perfect glass. shoulder to head high surf and long extending swells reflecting the sun sprayed clouds and lush green forests of the ko'olau mountains. Surfing on this side of the island is also known for the high probability of running into wildlife. Mostly a jumping fish or a passing turtle but there is always the lurking possibility of you know who popping up in the line up. so about 1000 or so yards out at sea i look back into the sun and see a swimmers silhouette. no board. It didn't take long for my eyes to adjust and realize that it was Malia coming out to capture some shots. The three other surfers who were there couldn't believe it. Needless to say I was super proud of my fearless, ocean loving wife although I did fear for her safety when someone thought they spotted something swimming by quickly underneath them. lucky for Malia there was no dramatic shark theme music playing ( which is what provokes sharks to attack anyway) so she was perfectly safe. I know, shes crazy...but that's what makes her so dang cool!!!!
Check out these pictures...shes getting really good...

thats the view from the line up looking down toward Kualoa ranch...Gorgeous

Small but beautiful...

Local knowledge...Malia getting a great shot of Uncle...(ps, Uncle is something said in respect in the islands to anyone you don't know and of coarse they are old enough to be called "uncle"...

I let this guy catch what ever he fact I wouldn't even catch a wave before him unless he told me to go for one...he did that a couple of can can bet I did what he said

This is a shot from behind a wave...
The sun just squeaking over the mountains...So pretty...
you dont have to tell me...I already Know...My Wife is the coolest!!!!
Great job Honey...


Becky, Ryan, Oliver, Amelie, and Nora said...

Malia, you are officially a million times more brave than I am, I get so scared of deep water and especially the "S" word! Poor Ryan, I am showing all the pictures of the waves and he is SO sad, poor kid, trapped in sad Utah! Those are great pictures,and you ARE a great wifey!

mahina said...

well, she IS a tarayao, so of course she is cool!! what do you expect from such good genes!! haha! you didn't have to tell me either ... i already knew too!

Malia said...

Haha thanks mahina! My husbands pretty cool too! I mean look at him!!!

tutu lady said...

Nice to hear from you Stuart. You have a way with words. But, we knew that already. Great pics. Malia! I can't wait to see you all. Got any snorkling gear?

Malia said...

Hey mom! Nope sorry no snorkeling stuff... we could probably get a hold of some though. what is it now... a little over 3 weeks? Can't wait!

The Foys said...

What a cute post! And as the others have said…I also know she is the best! =) I love the shot from behind the wave, don't get to see that too much (I don't at lest, haha) =) Love the post! Love you guys! Hope to talk to you cell is not working too well, but I am taking it in tomorrow...I will call you after they fix it! Love you! Bye! =)

The Foys said...

PS- I don't like hearing you were in the water where sharks are known to go! You are VERY brave! But Stuart would have saved you! =)