Thursday, July 19, 2007


  • Ok, so we've definately passed the 1/2 way mark for the summer! Who ever thought I would be waiting for summer to end?? Isn't that a little backwards? I guess not if you live in Paradise and had to spend the summer in New Mexico working. Anyways... we have about 5 weeks left here and we can't wait to get back home to hawaii! While we've been here, its been work work work everyday except sunday of course! So sundays are always nice! We have a fun group out here so we get together for some fun every once in a while.
  • One thing that I love, are the Jam Sessions that happen when
    all the guys get together! They have so much fun and its great
    to listen to also! We have a very talented group here!
    They'll always have a couple guitars, the mandolin and even a little homemade shaker! An empty water bottle with some uncooked rice added!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Well I Did IT!!! I have completed the master cleanse! 10 days without food. Well 11 if you count today. I have to ease off of this lemonade and into food slowly by starting with drinking Orange juice today!!! Tomorrow will be veggie soup but most just the broth, then the next day I get to eat the veggies from the soup! So I'm pretty excited about this! I wish I could stay on it longer but I get to go on vacation with Mahina so I'm ending it today so I can eat semi normal by the time im with the Masons! Benefits from the Cleanse: It got rid of the mucus, I used to be all congested in the mornings through the afternoon but since the cleanse I am no longer like that! I havent had the headaches that I used to get so thats nice! Weight... I'm not sure how much I lost because we don't have a scale here, but I did take measurements! And I lost a few inches!!! The area I lost the most was my waist at 3 inches! I'm sure some of that will return but I'm going to work really hard to keep them away! So I'm pretty happy with my results even though I want to go longer. This lemonade is great!!! Love it! Ok well I better get back to work! Thanks for reading! I'll get some pictures up soon hopefully... I know blogs w/out pictures arent all that exciting! Aloha!

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Sorry its been a while...

Ok So I started a blog then didn't do anything with it... sorry if you've been checking this. Well Lets see... nothing too new here except I did start my master cleanse and I am over 1/2 way through with it! I was orignally going to try and do it for 20 days but I'm going on a trip with Mahina so I thought it would be best to just do it for 10 days and have a couple of days to ease back into food before going off with the Fam! So It hasn't been too bad. The first 2 days I was getting hungry during the day and smelled food that I wanted to eat. Now, I don't really get hungry, I do however want to eat something I can chew... only 4 more days til I get to! Even then, my eating habits will have changed (hopefully) I have to really ease into eating by starting out w/ orange juice the first day, the broth from a veggie soup on day two, and the veggies from the soup on day three. From day four on, I will be eating fruits, veggies, salad, nuts and stuff like that. No meat milk cheese or that sort of thing. I am feeling better on this cleanse than I felt before it! One thing I am really excited about is the fact that I don't wake up all stuffy nosed and sneezy! Its great! Before the cleanse I had to make sure I had kleenex with me at all times! It seems that the cleanse has cleared out my daily allergies! So excited about that! That was one of my goals for the cleanse! Oh so the cleanse is for 10 days i'm drinking the lemonade and I have to drink this sea salt water in the mornings... thats the only bad part. Its hard for me to get down. Anyways.... Thats my cleanse update. I'll try and get some pictures up here soon. Ihave some on a computer thats in our apartment but the internet doesn;t always work... and i'm here most of the days. Sorry this was a boring post but at least it was something new to read! Aloha!