I'm the world's worst blogger! And there's been a whole lot of fun going on around here that I haven't blogged about...
So this one's about the "King of the Cloud" contest that was held last week out at Cloudbreak. It was AWESOME! Not only were the waves pumping but this big Cat (catamaran) was out the whole day which made watching and everything so much fun! It was perfect for competitors, spectators, and the judges who sat on top with a great view!
It was an absolute gorgeous day. We couldn't have asked for better waves or weather (i personally could have asked for the waves to be a bit more "Malia Friendly" but for everyone else, the bigger the better).
Stuart did so well out there and I am so proud of him! He wasn't crowned KING of the Cloud but he was definitely in the running! He made it all the way to the finals beating out some tough competition he had to go against in the rounds leading up to the FINAL FOUR!
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Yeah it's official.
Posted by
1:39 AM
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Posted by
6:04 PM
What to do?!
Posted by
3:05 PM
Sunday, January 30, 2011
I'm Coming to America!
We've been out here in Fiji for almost 7 months now and it is AWESOME! We love it! We're living the dream for us in this stage of our life. Next week I'll be taking a break from this dream for a little bit and coming back to the states! Out here in Fiji we meet some great people and we were lucky enough to meet our friend Michelle who is a pilot for Continental airlines. She was nice enough to offer to let me fly on her buddy pass to get back to visit friends and family! So next week i'll be taking off for about a month. I don't know my complete schedule just yet but I'll be stopping in New Mexico so I can meet my sweet new nephews Makaio and Maui, Las Vegas to attend the HUGE photography convention: WPPI, California to see more family, and hopefully Hawaii for a few days! I can't wait for this big trip! And there's no way I would be able to do this without Michelle's kindness! I'm so grateful because I really wanted to see Makaio and Maui as Babies but didn't know if I'd be able to! And now I will!
Unfortunately I'll be gone for Stuart's and my birthday and Valentines Day but Stuart told me I should go anyway. We'll just have to celebrate before and after the trip :)
A few things i'll be missing while I'm gone:
- My one true love (Stuart of course)
- Mochi-Me Time
- Kitty
- The surf (it's supposed to be really good during the months of feb and march)
- Stuart's Birthday
- My Birthday
- Valentine's Day
- Our Christmas presents to each other will be arriving while i'm gone (custom surfboards!!!) I can't wait to see pictures of them! And when I do, I'll share them with YOU!
A few things I'm looking forward to:
- Seeing all these people!!! (and more)
- Cold weather.... and hot showers
- Frozen Yogurt!!! Yogurt Land anyone???
- Attending WPPI for the 1st time!!!
- Getting my hair cut!!! Finally... and donating it :)
I'm trying to work a little while i'm on my trip to help pay for it so if you or anyone you know wants a photo session with me while i'm in any of those places let me know! You can contact me at MaliaJohnsonPhotography{at}gmail{dot}com to check availability and rates!
Posted by
3:38 PM
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
I still need my Mochi-Me time... it's just a bit harder to get him to lay on my belly like he used to :)
Posted by
5:49 PM
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Merry Christmas From the Johnson's!!!
Posted by
12:16 AM
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Christmas Time?
First Noel- guitar-Stu Johnson-Yako Organic recordings-Fiji by mainlandmoke
As the youngest child of six I watched as each of my siblings graduated High school and subsequently vanished our east Los Angeles home in the suburbs, off to start a new life far away from Mom, me and Whittier. When the end of high school drew near, there was no question about what my next steps into life would be. It was subconscious instinct that I was out of there as soon as I could. My post High school proverbial "walk about" into life had a different travel itinerary. My belongings never made the cramped car ride up the Cajon Pass and Virgin River Gorge to eventually arrive in the familiar foothills of P-town. Instead I took a Five hour plane ride over the Pacific to an Island chain I only knew as the paradise romanticized by radio promo give aways' and popular surf films. Coming off the plane was magic. The foreign combination of heat, humidity and coconut palms only highlighted my excitement of starting my long anticipated life away from Via Del Palma. This is what my siblings experienced!? This is it! Magic!
From that moment off the plane I found a new inner instinct which I believe my siblings share. To take head on unfamiliarity and make it familiar. This is what I saw in my siblings as they moved,lived and worked in "foreign" lands across the country. (Yes, to me Utah remains foreign and mysterious).
I went into this walk about of post high school life without any preliminary rules or expectations and I find no instinctual pull toward laying foundation in once familiar communities. However my heart is not completely stone as you might think. Nostalgic smells and sounds remind me of my family who I love more than anything. But why do I chose to live so far away? I would live closer but the precedent to leave as soon as possible was set before I had any real choice.
Luckily for my own sanity's sake, its rare to ever smell or hear things that would trigger nostalgic memories, instead of the sweet smell of fresh Christmas tree shaped cookies we know curry garlic and ginger. Instead of Holiday Carols we know the bass driven reggae beats of the islands. When Sufjan Stevens rendition of the First Noel came up on shuffle I was reminded that its Christmas time despite the lack of holiday decor. This is my favorite time to be with my family. And though we have all spread out and moved away from the 90602, we will never forget our home there and the familiar smells and sounds that filled the house. I don't know why we all left in such a hurry!? Cant wait for our next Christmas all together.
Posted by
12:50 PM